By Robert Whyte
Poor addled brain, please don’t go tangential on me
Stay with me, stay with me, please stay
at least for today, as every day the sun
unlike clockwork, which is not a celestial force
rises in the east, or to put it another way
the earth will spin on its axis towards the east
leaving the sun behind, despite your skepticism
Poor addled brain, it’s not time I’m worried about
It’s you, you and your worn out shoes, stuck together
with worn out glue, falling apart, unlike your heart
which sounds like it could pump another billion billion beats
bats in the belfry and several rats behind the wainscoting
… that’s what happens when you leave cheese lying around
As for me, I don’t doubt your good intentions, but subjectively
Poor addled brain, you have to admit, there have been better days
So why the long face, Equus, you might as well saddle up
and go out smiling, even if that’s not really possible
Even at half rat power you may as well keep me entertained
It’s not as if I’m going to be a harsh critic, admit it,
I just bark to be heard, better to be silent than absurd
It’s not my fault nobody’s listening to themselves
Poor addled brain, if that’s a word, it’s not dementia
at least not intentional dementia, that’s absurd
it’s just soggy, left out all summer in the rain
and it’s been a fuck of a summer, I’ve noticed that,
but none of my doing, if i could control the weather I would
wouldn’t you? koo koo cha koo, it’s not forever
it’s just the complicated side of never never
Poor addled brain, if you are all I have to wake up to
That’s all right by me I’m sure I couldn’t tell
the difference even if it wasn’t me before or after all
what’s the difference? between me and anyone else?
No one wants to confront their hidden self
Poor addled brain, please don’t go tangential on me
Stay with me, stay with me, please stay
Mr Nemo, W, X, Y, & Z, Tuesday 26 February 2019
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